Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Happy New Year and My New Year Resolution

I know it's a bit late to say happy new year, but happy new year anyway. This blog is soooooo dead and my effort to keep it alive has been fruitless. But as usual I will promise you to keep writing more often (let's just see how long this will survive), and keep the subject very broad so it touches everyones taste.

And here are my new year resolution :

It's time for me to put an end to my insecurity about body image. I believe there's 2 way to handle body image issues. Just be proud of yourself, respect yourself, and find the beauty inside rather than outside (and of course keep it in the overweight status because obesity is just not healthy). Or, change your body and be proud of yourself, respect yourself, and find the beauty inside rather than outside. Because in the end no matter how awesome your body, it won't mean nothing without self respect. To conclude, I choose the latter.
I have to update my blog more often to hone my skill in storytelling. Not just my blog, I will continue my novel or maybe start again from the very beginning is the exact truth. And I will start to write fanfiction consist of short story, or poetry, or random things. I know since my blog and the fanfiction will be in English it won't help my novel because it's written in my original language, but hey I'll try anyway.
This is the simple one, I will practice my music more often. And maybe just maybe someday I can write my own music.

So that sums it all, have a good year everybody...

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